The Reliable, Inexpensive Chlorine Test for Cooling Equipment
With temperatures rising, it’s the time of season to start thinking about protecting your cooling equipment. To keep those systems up and running at peak performance will require the proper treatment, and as any seasoned water analyst knows, bacteria control is at the heart of any cooling water treatment program.
Chlorine test kits are big sellers this time of year, and with so many options available, how do you decide which one to purchase? Most chlorine tests require the user to match colors or use an expensive meter to read the color. Is there a reliable and inexpensive method available? Yes, the FAS-DPD method is a simple drop test where the sample goes from a vibrant pink to colorless, signaling the endpoint. The FAS-DPD method measures both free and combined chlorine as low as 0.2 ppm and as high as 20 ppm without the sample bleaching out.
Would you like to see a demo of the FAS-DPD method? You can find this video at
For information on Taylor’s FAS-DPD kit K-1515-C (free & combined chlorine), please go to We also offer two additional FAS-DPD kits for the industrial market: K-1516 (free & combined chlorine) and K-1517-C (total bromine).
Please call us (800-TEST KIT) if you have any questions or would like to place an order.